Things in my head

The thinkings of a Londoner lost in the mire of Essex

Friday, November 18, 2005

A Celebration Of Indiscipline

I am back. And I have something to say. Its similar to Jon M's post about the disciplines, only the exact opposite. I call it the indisciplines...

I am tired. Very tired. But its my own fault, I don't want any sympathy. Now the reason I am tired is this: I had seven minutes sleep last night. And the reason for this absurdly miniscule amount of rest? There isn't one. There really isn't.

I got back to the office after youth group last night, and thought that I'd have a little look on the internet at some of the camera's I'm thinking of purchasing. While I'm there, I thought that I should catch up with some of the long overdue blogging that I had promised I do, and I might as well check whats happening to Arsenal again (because something important may have happened between 5:00pm and 11:00pm). And so it went on. As did the time. 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 (I told Vikki that I would leave the office by midnight, but I was still looking at cameras), 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (this is getting silly, but there's no point in going to sleep now), 5:00, 6:00, 6:30- ok, I'd better get home now, because I need to clear out the car. You see, I had to pick up some friends from Gatwick, a mere hour and a half away. So I left at 7:00am, having had 7 minutes sleep.

The journey was not fun. I was just struggling to stay awake- I think I had a 'micro-sleep' for a second, so I turned off all the heaters, and it got so cold I could see my breath. Too cold, add some heat, hmmm, feeling sleepy. Might just have a rest. No, too warm, turn the temperature down- for 1 and a half hours.

Tim, Tim, Tim, what are you doing? Its less burning the candle at both ends, and more like pouring petrol all over it and letting the whole thing disitegrate. But I did have an hours sleep today, so thats good. And I made my blog look all pretty. Thats good too. And I think I've found the camera I want. Very good.

Is anyone else this stupid, or am I the only one who does stupid things nowadays? Comfort me with your stories of crass stupidity, and the like.


At 18 November, 2005 21:14 , Blogger Jon said...

Tim, some things never change. Your blog does look very nice though. I am analy organised so I tend not to have many illdiscipline problems. My biggest one at the moment though is blog addiction. It's taking over my life!

At 18 November, 2005 21:52 , Blogger Dan said...

Can't match you Tim. Although I did try and waterproof my Converse with proofing spray when they are CLEARLY COVERED IN HOLES DAN. So wet socks. Never mind, they say it might snow again tonight.

At 20 November, 2005 04:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Procrastination should be one of the seven deadly sins- or is it? I cant say ive ever done anything so spectacular as to wile away an entire night on the internet but it often distracts me until the wee hours. However the other night there were some raccoons outside my house which fascinated me til around 2am... not a smart move with a 6am start.

At 20 November, 2005 17:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats quite impressive tardiness, but kudos for (I assume) being on time to pick up your heathrow buddies.

I share your sleeplessness but at least I get paid for my all nighters (I assume that your time spent in the office cant be put down as extra hours)

I also share your temperature dilemma. in trying to reverse my body clock for the second time this week, I have to spend the day awake so that I can sleep at night. Fortunately (or otherwise) our house is so cold you can see your own breath and your own fingers turning blue, but the bed (and kingsize duvet for one) is so damn tempting.
so to bed it is...

At 21 November, 2005 13:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No babe, as you can see, nobody else does this... How much am I gonna have to fix?

At 21 November, 2005 13:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost forgot to say, I LOVE the piccie of that cute mini-tiny!

At 22 November, 2005 08:23 , Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Your eye disturbs me.

I sleep at night but waste the day ... blogging, ebaying (sounds like something a Yorkshire horse would do), playing Tetris, doing 'research' that never helps, and so on. No wonder I am not a rich and famous writer.

At 22 November, 2005 12:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Tim.

Having seen you the day after the night in question you seemed to handle it extremely well (I would have been well moody.)
It reminds me of the days when Tiger Woods would distract me, you and John for a whole night and we would then go and entertain 50 - 100 children at playschemes.

Those were the days, now anything beyond 12 and i'm the moodiest teacher in the world.

At 22 November, 2005 17:23 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Liz, I apologize for the eye. It wasn't meant to disturb you. My brother isn't really a fan of it either, in fact he told me that it was burning a hole through the fibre of his being. He was always one for a bit of melodrama though.

If the eye is truly hated, please say here, and I may consider removing it sometime.

At 24 November, 2005 11:58 , Blogger Liz Hinds said...

It's okay, I just zoom down the page quickly.


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