Things in my head

The thinkings of a Londoner lost in the mire of Essex

Monday, June 19, 2006

Bigger is better?

Recently I've been thinking and reading about church. And then I found out that Hannah has written an excellent post about what she's been thinking about church recently. I wasn't sure whether I should carry on writing the post, as I don't want to seem like I'm stealing her thunder, but what I've been thinking about is a little bit different. If any of us end up leading or starting our own church in the future, what would it look like, and would you aim for a big church, or a small one?

What I've been thinking about is the relative merits of big and small churches. Is a big church better than a small church? I work for a church that isn't massive, but is growing, and hopes to be about 1,000 before we think about splitting. But then on the other hand a lot of my friends (you guys) are going to small, kind of cell churches. I can see real positives and negatives in both styles of church, and there's always going to be a certain amount of 'different strokes for different folks', but is one better than the other at all?