Things in my head

The thinkings of a Londoner lost in the mire of Essex

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Oooh I'm looking in to the depths of my mind...


I'm trying to think of stuff to write guys, but its too danged busy. So, my esteemed youngest brother sent me this link to a site, and it proved to be quite fun, so I thought I'd share it with you.

The first one is an IQ test, I think its pretty proper. It must be, because it proved that I am the dumbest of the Lovell offspring. However, we were all in the first percentile (thats 130+). Yay!

The second is something I've wanted to do for a while- an Inkblot test. Bit weird but good fun all the same. Once you've done them, click on the test results tab at the top and it should tell you all you need to know

Hope you enjoy, and I'll post something profound as soon as my life calms down a bit.

The IQ test is here

And the Inkblot test is here


At 12 April, 2006 19:55 , Blogger Tim said...

I know I'm cleverer than you tim so I didn't bother with the IQ test but I did the inkblot thingy.

Heres the verdict:

You are full of questions about life, people, and your own potential. You spend more time than others imagining the possibilities for your life – and you're open to things others are too afraid to consider. You have an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself and the world.

You also have a rebellious streak that shows up when you feel unable to truly influence the world or circumstances around you. Your appetite for novel experiences also shows an openness others don't have, but wish they did. Your psyche is very rich; the more you lern about it, the more you will understand who you really are...


At 13 April, 2006 12:56 , Blogger Dan said...

Tim, check out this soundboard... There are quite a few good ones actually. George W Bush is under your command.

At 15 April, 2006 00:02 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

I dont want to embarrase you all with my IQ score so I'll keep it quiet.

was I doing the wrong inkblot test? it kept showing me splodges then asking me if I found them arrousing. or is this what passes for porn nowadays?

either way, apparently I am a very peaceful person, trying to make peace and promote social justice wherever I go.

but I'm not spanking out 8.50 to find out any more.

shalom my friends

At 15 April, 2006 08:28 , Blogger Tim said...

Just did the IQ test and got 136. I wonder what ben jon and rob would get. I'm guessing:

Ben 90
Jon 136 (there's no way he's smarter than me!)
Rob Wouldn't complete the test!

At 16 April, 2006 16:46 , Blogger Tim said...

I got 136 and Ben revealed this morning that he got 110. Nice to see ben cheating the system!

At 17 April, 2006 14:57 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

but a normal level of function indicates a iq of 50 or above. Ben must have at least doubled his given his subnormal level of development.

you jumped yet?

At 19 April, 2006 07:58 , Blogger Tim said...

Jumped and survived thanks jodie!

At 21 April, 2006 04:01 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Congrats on the jump mate!

Although you deserve even greater praise as you matched my IQ score. Bravo!

Thinking Tim's Together!


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