Things in my head

The thinkings of a Londoner lost in the mire of Essex

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hmmm that's interesting...

I love a good fact. Whether it is a fact about an animal with seven mouths, or a planet that spins clockwise. I just can't get enough of them (or remember them for that matter).

So here it is, The 2006 Find a Fascinating Fact Contest. The challenge is to send in the most interesting fact you can, the winner will receive one of Tim Oakes exclusive prizes! Send in as many facts as you want, but you are limited to 2 facts per comment!

I will start, and this may well end up being the winner...

Fact: The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Orville brothers first flight.

Beat that...


At 03 March, 2006 19:40 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

ok, heres a fact,

I have your phone dibber, and unless I win, you cant have it back.

How do you like those eggs???

I know that this blog has unnecessarily become a place to air my dreams, but last night, I dreamt that we were all meeting up for a meal. Rob had become a black rasta with short dreadlocks and was very depressed because he had been put in prison for being a gangsta and was only allowed on day release for our meal.

Then ben walked in wearing some kind of south american carpet as a dress, and we all laughed at him.

I woke myself up laughing! Sometimes dreams are even better than real life!

At 03 March, 2006 21:11 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

So I take it that you've gone for the ransom option then...

Fact: The man's trying to keep Rob down. Fight the power.

Fact: The average CEO's salary in the US is 475 times greater than the average workers salary. In Japan, it is 11 times greater; in France, 15 times; in Canada, 20; in South Africa, 21, and in Britain, 22.

At 04 March, 2006 19:24 , Blogger Jon said...

That wasn't a dream Jodie, Ben does wear dresses.


In late 1923, when hyperinflation in Nazi Germany was its height, a loaf of bread cost 200 billion deutsch marks.

At 04 March, 2006 22:28 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Good fact Jon. Tremendous. On reflection, I'm not sure if the CEO fact can be right, but I'll try to check it out...

Keep going everyone else.

At 05 March, 2006 11:28 , Blogger luke said...

96% of candles that are purchased are by women.

At 05 March, 2006 16:36 , Blogger Cinda said...

It is estimated that by 2015 50% of all school lessons in the UK will be conducted by online video conference. It is also estimated that 75% of university courses will also be taught on line, with seminars taking on a 'linear' structure using blogging and instant chat as a key means of discourse.

At 06 March, 2006 14:10 , Blogger jodes da princess said...


my husband is sad.

At 06 March, 2006 15:04 , Blogger Dan said...

Well... the banana plant is a herb but the yellow thing we eat is the fruit of that plant.

Fact: Of McDonald's milkshakes, chocolate, vanilla and banana flavours are suitable for vegetarians. Stawberry flavour is not.

Fact: Norwegians invented the cheese slice, the paperclip and the string vest!

At 07 March, 2006 15:38 , Blogger Jon said...


Scriv manipulates statistics


Revised statistics that normalise for time (a far more significant factor than posts!)

Matthews: 50.71 comments per month
Scrivner: 38.29 comments per month


I am sad too

At 07 March, 2006 15:39 , Blogger Jon said...

Oops, I broke the rules. You can ignore my last fact.

At 07 March, 2006 21:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

fact: Tim can snore when he is awake

At 07 March, 2006 21:32 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

fact: jon can snore out of his ass

At 07 March, 2006 23:23 , Blogger Jon said...

An impressive fact Jodie, I would like to hear this. Maybe you could record it and make it your blog theme.

At 09 March, 2006 12:02 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Well, at the moment, Jon M is in the lead, with his astonishing fact about German bread. There WILL be a prize, and the competition will be closing in the next 4 days. If you want a chance to win my fantastic prize, you should really get your skates on!

At 09 March, 2006 21:51 , Blogger Jon said...

Does that mean Hugh Hefner is part of the aluminati too then Trev?

At 10 March, 2006 17:44 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

80% of people that live in swansea are idiots, the other 20% are rude people. (hence the ticket sales)

At 11 March, 2006 12:38 , Blogger Dan said...

FACT: Congratulations!

At 12 March, 2006 19:12 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 12 March, 2006 19:15 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

Its East You're-never-gonna-marry-my

At 12 March, 2006 19:57 , Blogger Andy said...

Dan's fact wins. Nice work Tim!

At 13 March, 2006 15:04 , Blogger Cinda said...


At 13 March, 2006 17:48 , Blogger Dan said...

I know it's past the closing date but here's a fact for Lent that I just read:

Monasteries have brewed Bavarian-style beers (aka dark lagers, apparently) for centuries. They call them liquid breads and drink them when they're fasting. One of the most famous of them is Paulaner Salvator, which is 7.5% alcohol! That'll help you forget the tummy rumbles.

At 14 March, 2006 11:13 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

And the winner is...


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