Things in my head

The thinkings of a Londoner lost in the mire of Essex

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ups & Downs

Feeling a bit stressed if I'm honest.

Wasn't going to write about it- there isn't much to tell, and it will probably sound well lame, but then I listened to Otty's new track, Ups and Downs, and thought that it's a cracker (thanks Rob for putting it on).

You should be able to listen to the track here

I looked at a few of the posts around our little community too, and quite a few people it seems are on one of those downs. I know I've got it better than the vast majority of the rest of the world, that is a blessing. But when you feel stressed, you feel stressed. If you're stressed because the new wing on your mansion isn't the right shade of lilac, or if your your homeless and your only sleeping bag has blown away (knew a homeless dude in Birmingham who that happened to) you still make use of the same chemicals. Some stress more, some stress less, but life sometimes seems like one big stress.

So I don't really know what to do. I could jack it all in, live as a hermit. But that wouldn't work. And I probably wouldn't have much access to the internet to check the old blogs either would I?


At 01 March, 2006 16:31 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

feelin it, feelin it SOOOO feelin it. Think its a february thing. Winter without christmas to look foreward too and all the vegetables are crap. Oh well, love you all lots anyway and wishing destressing thoughts your ways. Loved saturday A lot.

Maybe we should all have sacked in the CU thing at uni and smoked more weed. then we'd have no social conscience and no

At 01 March, 2006 20:29 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

true enough.

At 02 March, 2006 11:02 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Tried to sort out the song. But it may be that it wont work on your Mac, otherwise, its Rob's fault.

Yeah, house was REALLY stressful, but there may be a way through it. But its also a cumulative effect thing. It'll be alright, I was just having a bit of a moan I guess.

But I don't suppose anyone's got a car and £10,000 they wanna give me?

Jodes, glad you enjoyed Sat, seeing you and your bloke was a nice surprise.

Ben, there's no one sitting next to you- you psycho!

At 02 March, 2006 21:06 , Blogger jodes da princess said...

no money or cars, but we do have the bit of your mobile phone that helps you press the buttons, the dibber I think its called. At least, I think its yours.

To cheer you up perhaps, I had a dream last night that Bob the builder was on crack, and he was waddling around the screen like marradonna!

At 02 March, 2006 22:01 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Woah! That IS from my phone. I've been using my finger, but it is seems it is to fat to press less than 3 buttons at once. Very exciting. Do you think you could possibly post it to me? But I'll need your email address. If you look on my profile, its got an email address you can send it to.

Or you could hold it to ransom

At 02 March, 2006 23:25 , Blogger Dan said...

I dreamt that they made a new Indiana Jones movie! Nazis - I hate these guys!

Hope you're feeling more up now mate. What's the latest with the house? At least now, if the worst comes to the worst, you know how to fashion one out of a snow drift...

At 03 March, 2006 14:57 , Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Indeed. All I need is 5 hours and a bit of crazy Norse magic.

House is going well. Each step we take seems to last forever. Its like wading through a river full of crap to reach the promised land on the far shore. But it is looking better than it was a few days ago. Ma 'n' pa have been amazing.

Once that's sorted, I'll have to get the rest of my life in order I guess.

At 04 March, 2006 00:15 , Blogger Dan said...

Remember, "Andy crawled to freedom through five-hundred yards of poo smelling foulness I can't even imagine, or maybe I just don't want too. Five-Hundred yards... that's the length of five football fields, just shy of half a mile."

At least you're not in a tiny pipe like Dufresne...


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